The Sea of Forgetfulness (poem)

Our sins, our sins—woe are we!
Black and shameful as they all may be
Like filthy foam washed up on the shore 
For all of heaven and hell to see.

Our confessions, our confessions
True and hopeful as they all may be
Like tearful rain poured out upon the sea
For all of heaven and hell to see.

Our repentance, our repentance
Heartfelt and wishful as they all may be
Like high tide rising up on the shore
For all of heaven and hell to see.

Our reformation, our reformation
Seasonal and short-lived as they all may be
Like a red sunset quickly fading upon the sea
For all of heaven and hell to see.

His assurance, His forgiveness
Faithful and True as they shall forever be
Like a rainbow over the sea of forgetfulness
For you and me to gratefully see!

This poem is an excerpt from my e-book, 40 Days in the Internet Wilderness. You can receive this e-book free when you send me your comments on one of my books. Email your comments to