Author’s Quotes

The following quotes are from my various (published and unpublished) writings and books:

“The words of a good book may be profuse, but the words of a good poem are profound!”

“Theory is not truth itself, but a supposition of ideas given to explain what is perceived at the time to be evidence of the truth.”

Truth is often met with prejudice, ridicule and even quickly rejected by some as falsehood; yet it is self-evident to those who search to know what is truth.

“Where prophecy is a window into the future, history is the reflection of that window in the full light of day.”

“When religious prejudice is removed, the light of Bible truth is revealed.”

“The truth about truth is that it never changes, yet when we allow it, shall surely change us.” 

“Acceptance of the truth is letting one’s biases die and be reborn to reform.”

“Salvation deferred—is the son of denial that ignores hope in the face of faith while slighting love.”

“If a picture is worth a thousand words, then falsehood is the brushstroke of error painted in a thousand hues.”

“The spirit of error, untested, shall blindly lead a man astray; whereas the spirit of truth, tested, shall bring a blind man out of darkness and into the light of the truth!”

“The Pearl of Great Price is to those who seek and find Present Truth.”