My Beliefs as a Christian Writer

  • I believe the Bible to be the infallible, inerrant, written Word of God, and that the holy scriptures are God-breathed, profitable for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. Furthermore, when studying the Bible, I believe in the principle of allowing scripture to interpret scripture (Isaiah 28:9-10), for a correct understanding of the scriptures themselves.
  • I believe the Bible to be the expositor of truth, and that all Christian doctrine and beliefs are to be established upon what the Bible says; opposed to personal testimony, tradition, prophecy, or apostolic authority as claimed by some Christian sects.
  • I believe in the historicist’s approach to studying and understanding the Bible’s apocalyptic prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, which I further believe show from the past our prophetic future.   
  • I believe in the spiritual gift of prophecy and that it is for the edification of the Church, until Jesus’ second coming. As for the gift itself, I don’t believe that it supersedes or replaces the Bible but is given by the Holy Spirit to help shed further light into what the Bible says.
  • I believe as Christians, we need to examine prophecy in the light of history. Furthermore, to follow the Thessalonian Test: Let’s “despise not prophesying” but “prove all things” and “hold fast that which is good” (1 Thess. 5:20-21), when it comes to testing what we believe.
  • I believe in the way of the Bereans of the early Christian Church (see Acts 17:10-12), in studying for ourselves what we believe. This especially holds true when challenged or confronted with new insights or factual-historical information contrary to our established and oftentimes bias beliefs.
  • I believe truth never changes, and when we allow it, shall surely change us.