Three Angels in the Midst of Heaven: Introduction

The book of Revelation Chapter 14 speaks of three angels flying in the midst of heaven. Who are these heavenly messengers and what is their special end-time message for God’s people today?

These three angels, symbolically represent three distinct and heaven-sent messages for God’s people living in these latter-days or what God’s prophet Daniel referred to as, “the time of the end.” Each angel’s prophetic message has its appointed place in history, yet when combined, they reflect God’s sovereignty, truth, and righteousness in proclaiming His justice for all. In the power and glory of a fourth angel (Revelation 18:1-3), the third angel’s message during a time of testing, will prepare a people for the coming of the Lord!

Gregory John explains the historical fulfillment of the first two angels’ messages, showing where we are in history in relation to the third angel’s message.

“Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.” Revelation 1:3