New for 2025

I AM the Resurrection and the Life takes a look at Jesus’ self-prophecy “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” (John 2:19) and how it was fulfilled in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.
Gregory John, as both an author and poet, vividly presents from the Bible’s own account, Jesus’ most trying struggles and triumphant victories over evil. Traversing from the garden of Gethsemane to Calvary, and finally to an empty tomb; the reader is brought to a place of decision: Is Jesus who he claimed to be or is he a false Christ and deceiver of many?
This book was released on March 1, 2025
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In a world full of voices, Revelation 14 tells of not one or two, but three heavenly voices loudly calling out for our attention. Each heaven-sent message is set within earth’s history, and yet together they proclaim God’s last day message to His people.
Three Angels in the Midst of Heaven announces God’s righteous judgment upon His people, upon Babylon the Great, and upon those who join themselves to the beast and its image in the last days. As a solemn reminder to all, these judgement messages speak of God’s everlasting truth, sovereignty, and the righteousness by faith of His remnant people!
Gregory John explains the historical fulfillment of the first two angels’ messages: furthermore, showing where the third angel’s message points to a ‘time of trouble’ soon to come upon God’s people and the world. The book also provides an answer from history to the long-debated question: “What is the daily that is taken away?”
This book was released on March 1, 2025

There was war in heaven and the dragon (Satan) prevailed not and was cast down to the earth (Revelation 12). Lucifer—once a highly exalted angelic being is now seen as a fallen star from heaven and whose kingdom of darkness within our world will one day be consumed by the brightness of Christ’s coming!
Revelation’s Dark Morning Star takes a revealing look at Lucifer’s fall and the prophetic role the dark trinity (the dragon, the beast, and false prophet) will play in earth’s end-time rebellion against God and His people. When we learn what the Bible has to say, we need not be overcome by deception or fear itself!
This book was released on February 7, 2025
Other Book Releases

Have you ever wondered what Mormons believe? I Didn’t Know That About Mormons looks at TEN intriguing facts that all Christians, and most particularly Seventh-day Adventist Christians need to know about Mormons; including one startling fact that even most Mormons (Latter-day Saints) don’t know about their own religion.
First published on: May 7, 2024

The book of Revelation speaks of a false prophet who in the last days will deceive many with wonders, including bringing fire down from heaven (Rev. 13:13-14). By way of this wondrous deception, this false Elijah-like figure will lead the world astray.
Many Bible commentators view the false prophet and the two-horned beast from the earth as one and the same entity. Unveiling The False Prophet not only differentiates the roles of these two key players in Satan’s grand end-time deceptions but re-examines J.N. Andrews’ identification of the beast’s “two horns like a lamb” (Rev. 13:11).
The author presents a new and surprising candidate to fulfill the role of Revelation’s false prophet—a mysterious and deceptive spiritual power that will act as a dark wolf in sheep’s clothing!
First Published on: August 10, 2023

40 Days In The Internet Wilderness is the author’s collection of poetry and some poetic-styled short stories written during an extended period of fasting and conversing with an online community of spiritual believers of many different faiths, including some who held to a kaleidoscope of spiritual beliefs unique to themselves. During this 40-day spiritual journey, the author and those he interacted with traversed the Bible’s pathway from the Garden of Eden to the Cross of Calvary.
First published on: Oct. 21, 2023
What Readers Are Saying…
I Didn’t Know That About Mormons
“This short book was very informative and well-researched… I learned a lot of eye-opening facts.” —Sheri
“Despite having grown up with Mormon friends, there were quite a few new things I learned about their faith. Well worth the read!” —Paul
“I really appreciated how the author presented facts rather than just his opinion. I would recommend this book to anyone that would like to know more about the Mormon religion.” —Jennifer
Unveiling the False Prophet
“A must read for Adventists; their eyes will be opened.” —Linda
“A different perspective… I liked that the author used history and not speculation to support his theory.” history bud 21 (Books-A-Million)
“Informative, peculiar, and eye-opening.” Biblereader66 (Barnes & Noble)
Revelation’s Dark Morning Star
“This book is truly Holy Spirit inspired. I would recommend this book to all Bible scholars and novices alike who are interested in last-day events.”—Althea
“The author’s most original contribution is his discussion of two religious movements in America that are poised to play opposing roles in end-time events.”— Rachel