Category: Uncategorized

  • The I AM Project

    As an author, I’ve been wanting to write a book about Jesus’ greatest trials and triumphs. Well, that book is now here and just in time for Easter! I AM the Resurrection and the Life takes a look at Jesus’ self-prophecy “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up” (John 2:19)…

  • The Seven Spirits of Spiritualism

    In the world today there are many different and competing voices for our attention. Yet there is only one sure and true voice in need of listening to—God’s Word, “Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth” (John 17:17, NKJV). As Christians living in these latter times, we are explicitly warned not to depart from our…

  • I AM the resurrection and the life: Introduction

    After Adam’s fall, his dominion over the earth was forfeited to Satan—the serpent of lies. Soon thereafter, God’s sure promise was given, “And I [The Lord God] will put enmity between you [Satan] and the woman [kingdom of God], and between your offspring and hers; he [the Christ child] will crush your head, and you will strike his heel”…

  • Three Angels in the Midst of Heaven: Introduction

    The book of Revelation Chapter 14 speaks of three angels flying in the midst of heaven. Who are these heavenly messengers and what is their special end-time message for God’s people today? These three angels, symbolically represent three distinct and heaven-sent messages for God’s people living in these latter-days or what God’s prophet Daniel referred…

  • Give Thanks!

    As I look back across the long miles of this year There were plenty of toils and tares along the way But through them all, You were there helping me, And for this, I give thanks! As I remember the hard days of this year There were plenty of sorrows and shortcomings along the way…

  • The Wondrous Cross (poem)

    As I look to the Cross And see Him hung by fettered nails I wonder, “Was justice given?”  As I look to the foot of the Cross And see His pool of crimson blood I wonder, “Was atonement given?” As I look to the top of the Cross And see a sign proclaiming Him king…

  • Mandy’s Flower Garden – An Easter Story

    Mandy’s Flower Garden – An Easter Story

    It was Friday morning and the doctor’s waiting room was already full of people. After checking in at the reception’s desk, I picked up a nearby magazine from one of the side tables and walked to the back of the waiting room where I nudged myself into one of the few unoccupied chairs. While trying…

  • Coincidence or Not?

    (An excerpt from the book, I Didn’t Know That About Mormons!) Seventh-day Adventists are often confused with Mormons. Why is that? First, they are both relatively new religious movements that came upon the Christian scene during America’s Second Great (spiritual) Awakening in the 1800s. Second, they both claim to have or to have had a…

  • The Pluto Effect

    Growing up, I was always taught that our solar system consisted of nine planets, Pluto being the most distant planet from the sun. The discovery of the planet Pluto came about in 1930 when astronomer Clyde Tombaugh using a blink comparator and photographic plates was able over time to uncover the hidden planet. It was…

  • The Mysterious Woman

    A commonly held belief among many Christians today is that the woman in John’s vision of Revelation 12 represents the Christian Church (God’s people) and that the moon under her feet, is symbolic of the old covenant which was done away with at Christ’s death. Yet when examining John’s vision and the symbolism surrounding this…