Category: Uncategorized

  • The Night Watchmen (poem)

    O silent night Do you see heaven’s light? A star so bright Shining in the night Where shepherds give watch And little Bethlehem does sleep. O silent night Do you hear heaven’s joy? A song of angelic delight Praising God tonight Where shepherds give watch And little Bethlehem does sleep. O silent night Do you…

  • The Truth about Truth (poem)

    The truth about truth… It is the voice of holy conviction Spoken in the melody of love Declaring the sure Word of God. The truth about truth… It is wisdom’s delight and understanding’s newfound joy   A pearl of great price and gem of priceless keepsake  Shining more and more unto the perfect day. The…

  • Adventists and Armageddon

    With the daily news and horrific scenes coming out of Gaza, the on-going armed conflict between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas, has also brought renewed attention among some Christians (particularly Evangelicals) to another particular conflict, the Bible’s predicted battle of Armageddon which is believed to take place in the land of Israel. “And I…

  • Who is the Bride?

    I have often heard and even read that the Church is the bride of Christ. But where in the Bible can we find justification for this Christian claim? In the Old Testament, the prophet Isaiah referred to the people of Israel as the wife of one husband—the Lord God (Isaiah 54:5).   Carrying this thought into…

  • Testing What We Believe

    INTRODUCTION Anyone who has ever attended a Seventh-day Adventist prophecy series or read Ellen G. White’s book, The Great Controversy will surely tell you that John the Revelator’s description of the beast from the earth (Revelation 13:11-17) is symbolic of the United States of America. Yet far fewer know that the Adventist and traditional interpretation…

  • Mission & Vision Statement

    To teach to those who: To help prepare a people for the Lord’s soon coming!

  • My Beliefs as a Christian Writer

  • Author’s Quotes

    The following quotes are from my various (published and unpublished) writings and books: “The words of a good book may be profuse, but the words of a good poem are profound.” “Theory is not truth itself, but a supposition of ideas given to explain what is perceived at the time to be evidence of the…

  • A Passport to Heaven

    When I was very young, a friend of my dad gave to me my first fishing pole. He told my dad that just letting me hold it, would in time produce a lifelong love for fishing. Many fishing poles later, I can honestly say that I still have a great love for fishing. For those…

  • Sam’s Unwelcome Visitor

    Have you ever believed a lie? At one time or another, whether knowingly or not, we all have fallen victim to someone’s lie. How did it make you feel after finding out? Mad, Hurt, Confused? For my friend Sam, which at the time was in a severe state of both mental and physical anguish, the…