Category: Uncategorized

  • Two Horns Like a Lamb

    The book of Revelation, Chapter 13, speaks of a beast rising up out of the earth with two horns like a lamb. A beast in Bible prophecy symbolizes a kingdom or nation. Furthermore, horns represent kings, kingdoms and emblems of power; Daniel 7 and 8 clearly point this out. It is widely accepted among Seventh-day…

  • A Passport to Heaven

    When I was very young, a friend of my dad gave to me my first fishing pole. He told my dad that just letting me hold it, would in time produce a lifelong love for fishing. Many fishing poles later, I can honestly say that I still have a great love for fishing. For those…

  • Sam’s Unwelcome Visitor

    Have you ever believed a lie? At one time or another, whether knowingly or not, we all have fallen victim to someone’s lie. How did it make you feel after finding out? Mad, Hurt, Confused? For my friend Sam, which at the time was in a severe state of both mental and physical anguish, the…

  • Three Tribes, One God

    As a Seventh-day Adventist Christian, I have had the privilege of giving Bible Studies to individuals over the years. In all my studies, I can attest that pretty much everyone fell into one of three tribes (persuasions). This essay looks at these three tribes, and gives an answer to the question, “Why three tribes and…

  • The Trills of Life (poem)

    The Trills of Life (poem)

    In honor of National Poetry Month, I wrote the following poem. The Trills of Life Every Spring morning day Little songbirds everywhere Express their joy for life Nature’s fluttering orchestra A harmonious chord of serenades Swelled with the breath of life Their joy in song The happy melodies of life Trills again and again Praise…

  • Stumbling Blocks

    Having grown-up in the Seventh-day Adventist faith, along with its teachings and traditions, I’ve learned through personal trial that my greatest stumbling blocks towards the advancement of truth, has been my own defined “Adventist” beliefs, along with the inherent bias towards others who believe different from me. Whether we admit it or not, we all…

  • The Sea of Forgetfulness (poem)

    Our sins, our sins—woe are we! Black and shameful as they all may be Like filthy foam washed up on the shore For all of heaven and hell to see. Our confessions, our confessions True and hopeful as they all may be Like tearful rain poured out upon the sea For all of heaven and…

  • Family Tree (poem)

    Perfection one day met and slept with Self-wisdom Which soon after gave birth to Pride. Pride being a “bastard” child in the kingdom family Eventually rebelled against perfection’s Father and brought Division standing among the family. Pride refusing to listen to Reason Soon thereafter gave up his birthright to Humility And had to move away…

  • Dare to walk alone: Preface

    As a Christian my spiritual life had come to a season of severe drought. My prayers, Bible studies, and witnessing opportunities were all a mirage in the desert of my dry and thirsty soul. With no relief in sight, I took the desperate measure of leaving my home church family in search of heaven’s spring-fed…

  • Revelation’s Dark Morning Star – Chapter 1

    The Day of the Lord “Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand.” Joel 2:1 One of the most glorious and heart-stirring events predicted throughout the Holy Scriptures…