Category: Uncategorized

  • Unveiling the False Prophet – Chapter 1

    Keys of Understanding The book of Revelation speaks of strange beasts and strange wonders, including strange fire falling from heaven in the last days. For the reader and examiner of this prophetic book, these strange and wondrous things can be bewildering and hard to understand without some guiding principles or method of study.  When it…

  • Why I Became a Published Author

    The truth is, I had no real intention or burning desire to be a published author. As strange circumstances would have it, and after many years of study and methodical research, I came to the conclusion and conviction that I had something unique and important to share with anyone who has ever read or wondered…

  • In the Sower’s Hands – My Personal Testimony

    My spiritual journey and quest for the meaning and purpose of life began at the age of 18. It was during my senior year of high school that God first entered my heart and planted the seed of urgency. It was during this time that I began to have the repetitive and fearful dream of being burned…

  • Author Printed Books

    If you would like to purchase a single or multiple copies or this book, then please contact the author directly through this website. Printed copies may also be purchased through (March 1, 2025)